Difference between revisions of "Operators"

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#+= Plus assignment
#+= Plus assignment
#-= Subtraction assignment
#-= Subtraction assignment
#*= Multiplication assignment
#<nowiki>*</nowiki>= Multiplication assignment
#/= Division assignment
#/= Division assignment
#%= Modulus assignment
#%= Modulus assignment
[[Category:Core Mesham]]
[[Category:Core Mesham]]

Revision as of 14:53, 3 May 2013


  1. + Addition
  2. - Subtraction
  3. * Multiplication
  4. / Division
  5. ++ Pre or post fix addition
  6. -- Pre or post fix subtraction
  7. << Bit shift to left
  8. >> Bit shift to right
  9. == Test for equality
  10. != Test for inverse equality
  11. ! Logical negation
  12. ( ) Function call or expression parentheses
  13. [ ] Array element access
  14. . Member access
  15. < Test lvalue is smaller than rvalue
  16. > Test lvalue is greater than rvalue
  17. <= Test lvalue is smaller or equal to rvalue
  18. >= Test lvalue is greater or equal to rvalue
  19. ?: Inline if operator
  20. || Logical OR
  21. && Logical AND
  22. += Plus assignment
  23. -= Subtraction assignment
  24. *= Multiplication assignment
  25. /= Division assignment
  26. %= Modulus assignment